Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In West Mount Vernon, NY
Dampness and moisture are very common problems related to basement waterproofing. Not all water and moisture problems come from the ground. A major source of mold, mildew and the resulting musty odors comes from moisture in the air that, because it is heavier, collects in the lowest part of the house where it starts to do its damage and feeds the growth of mold.
Proper basement ventilation is crucial to the health, safety, and comfort of a home or business. Improper ventilation can cause:
- Indoor air pollution
- Asthma and allergies
- Mold and mildew growth
- High humidity levels
- Headaches
- Nasal Irritation
- Respiratory Problems
The air we breathe indoor can be contaminated by a number of things. Among them are:
Airborne bacteria and viruses which can cause many ailments and infections. Bacteria and viruses continue to breed and thrive in moist, damp and stale environments.
Toxic Chemicals that become vapors from paint, household cleaners and solvents, glues and adhesives found in any number of items in the home or business, aerosols, paint, pesticides, and chemicals used in some carpeting and upholstery fabrics.
Allergens including pet dander, dust mites, and pollen.