Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Roslyn Estates, NY
French Drain Systems
Another commonly known method is diverting surface water away from the foundation by the creation of a French drain. This essentially is a trench, often containing perforated pipe covered with gravel or rock that redirects surface water away from an area. It involves the laying of pipe and utilizes gravity to drain water from a high point to a low point some distance away. It can involve chopping up and replacing established landscaping and concrete. A French drain can last for some time without maintenance, but it can become clogged with sediment and cause a backup into the basement.
Our skill, techniques, and scientifically-formulated products set the standard for the industry. Vulcan Waterproofing covers a huge area of the Northeast with locations for basement waterproofing in NY, Long Island, PA, NJ, CT, and northern DE. Join hands in partnership with the protectors — and the only basement waterproofing system in the world that can say with confidence. “Finally, you can put an end to wet, leaky basements forever!”
Mold, Mildew, Dampness & Air Quality
Dampness and moisture are very common problems related to basement waterproofing. Not all water and moisture problems come from the ground. A major source of mold, mildew and the resulting musty odors comes from moisture in the air that, because it is heavier, collects in the lowest part of the house where it starts to do its damage and feeds the growth of mold.