Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Philipse Manor, NY
“We’re not just in the basement waterproofing business… We invented it” is not just a slogan, it is a Fact.
Decades ago, in cooler climates, there was a need to house large coal and wood fired heating plants. This was done in the space below the house, which we now call the basement. It was the smart place to put it because, as we know, hot air rises and the heating plants could be more efficient if placed below the space to be heated. It was also a filthy, dirty, dusty, ash-laden mess and keeping it out of the living area was important. In time the heating plants shrank and were replaced by much smaller electric, propane and gas fired units.
How does an E·Z Breathe System Work?
With the installation of E·Z Breathe ventilation system the proper amount of airflow is established in your home/building making the air cleaner and healthier to breath. The E·Z Breathe unit removes stale, damp, contaminated air from the lowest point in your home/building. No matter if you have a basement, crawlspace or slab floor the E·Z Breathe system will work for you.
By drawing the air from the lowest part of your home/building, E·Z Breathe eliminates bad air where it resides. Air that is holding moisture or contaminants is heavier than clean dry air. As a result, the damp, polluted air settles and builds up in the lowest part of your home/building. With the installation of an E·Z Breathe unit, this bad air is completely expelled from your home or building, never allowing for an unhealthy damaging build up.