Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Peekskill, NY
Dampness and moisture are very common problems related to basement waterproofing. Not all water and moisture problems come from the ground. A major source of mold, mildew and the resulting musty odors comes from moisture in the air that, because it is heavier, collects in the lowest part of the house where it starts to do its damage and feeds the growth of mold.
Hydrostatic pressure is caused by underground springs, rivers, and a fluctuating high water table. If water seeps in where the basement wall meets the floor or even up through the floor, the hydrostatic pressure must be relieved and the water diverted to a location where it can be pumped out and away from the basement.
A hydrostatic pressure relief system, one method advocated by the Vulcan Basement Waterproofing people, requires no outside digging or destruction of property. It involves cutting a trench in the floor around the perimeter of the basement, next to the foundation walls. The trench must be excavated down to the footings and in it a system of drain tiles laid. The system must be adequately sized so that it can carry off all the water to a sump pump or drain for removal from the house. After the lines are installed, the trench must be filled with gravel, bleeders installed in the block walls, and the trench re-covered with concrete.
If the hydrostatic pressure relief system is not properly designed, it will clog and backup, or worse yet, undermine the integrity of your foundation. So, even though a handyman or homeowner could conceivably install the pressure relief system himself, he would probably do better to engage an insured professional waterproofing contractor to do the work – and a contractor like Vulcan, who is willing to guarantee it and end your struggles with a leaky, wet basement.