Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Jefferson Valley, NY
Dampness and moisture are very common problems related to basement waterproofing. Not all water and moisture problems come from the ground. A major source of mold, mildew and the resulting musty odors comes from moisture in the air that, because it is heavier, collects in the lowest part of the house where it starts to do its damage and feeds the growth of mold.
Your Vulcan expert will explore for defects in your below-ground foundation walls – for cracks and crevices that admit subsurface water causing a wet basement.
Any of the following conditions could promote decay that might, in time, force you to replace foundation walls and floors:
- Poor soil conditions around walls, caused by construction workers who backfilled the surrounding area with soil containing broken concrete or timber. The result: pockets filled with water that exert pressure against walls.
- Hydrostatic effects from water buildup whose constant pressure eventually leads to water penetration.
- Capillarity within porous walls and floors that absorb water from the surrounding soil.
- High water table, resulting from underground water which rises with rain, snow or the tides.
- Below-grade cracks and voids in building foundations and walls expose your home to yet another peril. They are avenues for invading armies of termites and insects on the attack.