Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Hewlett Harbor, NY
If your home or buildings are troubled with water-damaged basements, the problem can certainly be solved. Don’t be dismayed by an inexperienced or amateur waterproofer who tells you otherwise. Disregard all claims that basement water problems cannot be corrected after a house is built.
The truth is that the vast majority of basements can be waterproofed at any time. Water can be effectively controlled by modern techniques. Take comfort in knowing that more than 65 years of Vulcan Basement Waterproofing skills and technology will safeguard your home. We’ve waterproofed over 500,000 basements in NY, Long Island, CT, NJ, PA, and DE.
Mold, Mildew, Dampness & Air Quality
Dampness and moisture are very common problems related to basement waterproofing. Not all water and moisture problems come from the ground. A major source of mold, mildew and the resulting musty odors comes from moisture in the air that, because it is heavier, collects in the lowest part of the house where it starts to do its damage and feeds the growth of mold.