Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Cedarhurst, NY
Basement waterproofing by Vulcan is a science and art that pioneered industry standards. Our methods set the pace with today’s complex world of building construction and protective maintenance. Our techniques are as effective for a one-family home as they are for a towering commercial building.
Residential Waterproofing
It’s the water you can’t see that can destroy your foundation! Pitch or tar used to waterproof exterior walls at the time of original construction often deteriorate in as little as 3 to 5 years leaving the walls unprotected against the tremendous hydrostatic pressure of a high water table, underground streams or capillaries.
An excess of water around footings may undermine them causing damaging settlement of the foundation.
Concrete is made primarily of sand. Imagine what will happen to a block of sand in a pool of water. The erosion of concrete happens the same way, over time with the foundation slowly softening, then weakening until it gives way, bringing water into the basement or worse. This erosion can happen in block foundations even faster because they are generally hollow to begin with.
Once water has made it to the inside of the basement through the walls and/or floor, it can only get worse. So, as you can see, the water you see in the basement is only a “Symptom” — not the problem.
Sooner or later, the majority of home owners will have to do some form of basement waterproofing if they have any sub-soil area in their home.