Vulcan Basement Waterproofing In Amityville, NY
Vulcan Waterproofing provides a free, no obligation estimate to analyze your particular problem and determine the solution that is right for YOU! Our services include do-it-yourself information, basement ventilation solutions, loss of power options, and many other services including crack repair, sump pump installation, as well as a pressure relief system for controlling water in the basement while preventing hydro-static pressure build-up in and around foundation walls, which can often be a problem for homeowners with basements in New York, New Jersey, and the Philadelphia area.
French Drain Systems
Another commonly known method is diverting surface water away from the foundation by the creation of a French drain. This essentially is a trench, often containing perforated pipe covered with gravel or rock that redirects surface water away from an area. It involves the laying of pipe and utilizes gravity to drain water from a high point to a low point some distance away. It can involve chopping up and replacing established landscaping and concrete. A French drain can last for some time without maintenance, but it can become clogged with sediment and cause a backup into the basement. To learn more about French drains.